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Senin, 03 Januari 2011

[SM, DH, RW] Suju Ryeowook, selca with Donghae-Sungmin disclosed "Adorable photo" attracted attention

On the 26th (,) Super Junior member Ryeowook disclosed a selca taken together with member Donghae and Sungmin on his twitter.

<Super Show 3> was held in China, Guangzhou on the 26th, Ryeowook posted pictures tagged along with (his) comments, "Returned (back) to Korea! Christmas is over. Took the plane back in the morning! Good morning."

Art is the definition of the photo taken together with Donghae which was tagged "Choi Wook Gi" and Sungmin's beastly expression. Choi Wook Gi is the role which Donghae took in the SBS drama <It's Okay, Daddy's daughter>, Donghae's acting received great reviews, and it symbolizes the born of a new acting idol.

In the second photo, Sungmin can be seen with his round eyes and tightly shut lips. Now (,) Sungmin is taking the role of Jang Il Joon's son in the KBS 2TV drama "President".

Source: tvdaily.co.kr
Shared by: in00022 @ SJ-WORLD.NET
Chinese translation:Natali @ mykry.com
English translation:~♡ 혁-fied @ SJ-WORLD.NET

~ soulangel <3

translate by ayu
[SM, DH, RW] Suju Ryeowook, selca dengan Donghae-Sungmin diungkapkan "Adorable foto" menarik perhatian

Pada 26 (,) Super Junior Ryeowook diungkapkan anggota sebuah selca diambil bersama-sama dengan anggota Donghae dan Sungmin di twitter nya.

<Super Show 3> diadakan di China, Guangzhou pada tanggal 26, Ryeowook diposting gambar tag bersama dengan (nya) komentar, "Kembali (kembali) ke Korea Natal sudah selesai.! Took pesawat kembali besok pagi! Selamat pagi."

Seni adalah definisi dari foto yang diambil bersama dengan Donghae yang ditandai "Wook Choi Gi" dan ekspresi mengerikan Sungmin's. Wook Choi Gi adalah peran yang Donghae mengambil dalam drama SBS <It's Okay, Daddy's daughter>, Donghae akting diterima tinjauan besar, dan itu melambangkan lahir dari sebuah idola akting baru.

Dalam foto kedua, Sungmin dapat dilihat dengan mata bulat dan bibir tertutup rapat. Sekarang (,) Sungmin adalah mengambil peran anak Il Jang Joon dalam 2TV KBS drama "Presiden".

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