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Selasa, 04 Januari 2011

FAKTA TENTANG LEETEUK / Super Junior Leeteuk facts

1. 박정수 adalah Hangeul untuk Park Jungsu. Dan 이특 adalah Hangeul untuk Leeteuk.
2. Lahir pada tanggal 1 Juli 1983. Bergolongan darah A. Tingginya 176.
3. Leeteuk pernah bilang karena banyaknya member di grup kami, akhirnya kami rapat untuk mencari solusi. Akhirnya disepakati kalau kami semua belajar jurus mandi kilat. Karena kami harus mandi secepat kilat, maka bila waktunya habis kami langsung menendang keluar member yang masih berkeramas di kamar mandi. Meski badan dan kepala mereka masih penuh busa sabun mereka harus tetap keluar dan antri lagi menunggu giliran.
4. Kata Siwon, Leeteuk itu punya 2 kepribadian. Kadang mainly. Kadang gejenya gak ketulungan. Jadi kalau anak-anak SJ lagi bete, mereka suka deket-deket Teuki biar ketawa. Kalau deket-deket Eunhyuk suka dijailin soalnya.
5. Oppa merubah namanya menjadi Leeteuk yang berarti “ special “ karena Jungsu dianggap terlalu pasaran.
6. 70 % dari fans cowok Suju itu adalah Leeteuk’s Fans, yang sebagian besar dari mereka ternyata sangat membenci dan merasa iri kepada Kangin.
7. Tak sedikit cowok-cowok “gay” yang meniru habis-habisan style Leeteuk sampai mirip banget.
8. Ciuman pertama Leeteuk di box telepon umum dan saat itu sedang hujan di malam hari.
9. Leeteuk pernah tidak sengaja kentut di sukira dan tidak mau ngaku dan akhirnya ketahuan sama Kangin !!
10. Walau Leeteuk adalah Leader di SJ, tapi Oppa sering di ejek sama member SJ kalau Leeteuk itu gak pantes jadi leader karena Oppa itu sering cengengesan, usil, tukang nangis, tapi dia sangat sayang ama semua member SJ yang udah dianggap adik sendiri.
11. Leeteuk selalu memakai celana ketat jika jadwalnya sedang padat dan harus keluar rumah. Tapi jika berada di rumah, Oppa lebih memakai celana boxer.
12. Leeteuk itu orangnya jayuz banget. Jadi waktu di Starking, dimana Kyuhyun mau nyanyi pempenco. Lalu kang hodong nanya “ Jadi, kalian mau nyanyi apa ?”. Lalu Leeteuk langsung bilang nyanyi OST Aladin aja. Lalu Kangin nanya “mang judulnya apa hyung?”. Dengan PD-nya Leeteuk pun menjawab “A Honey world” . Padahal seharusnya A Whole new world.
13. Leeteuk berharap, jika suatu hari nanti Oppa menikah. Dia ingin mengundang seluruh ELF untuk datang dan menyambut mereka.
14. Leeteuk itu paling sebel kalau dipanggil dengan sebutan “ahjussi”. Jadi Taeyon (leader SNSD) suka banget manggil Leeteuk dengan sebutan ajjusi. Lalu Leeteuk karena kesal langsung nyeletuk “emang tampangku kayak ahjussi ya?”
15. Leeteuk menjadi leader karena Oppa paling tua. Sewaktu di acara MBC, MC-nya nanya “ bagaimana bisa kamu menjadi leader ??”. Leeteuk menjawab “ karena aku paling tua diantara yang lainnya, jadinya aku jadi leader “.
16. Leeteuk pernah menulis pesan mengharukan untuk Eunhyuk sebagai hadiah perayaan ulang tahun ke-3 Sukira. Tapi saat membacanya, Eunhyuk bukannya berterima kasih tapi malah protes. Hyukie Oppa merasa Hyungnya gak adil karena pesan untuknya Cuma terdiri dari 382 huruf Hangeul. Sedangkan pesan dari Leeteuk untuk Donghae Oppa saat Oppa di Hongkong jauh lebih banyak dari dirinya 480 huruf.
17. Leeteuk juga ternyata dijuluki member tukang molor alias paling doyan tidur. Jadi kalau ada waktu kosong, Oppa langsung memanfaatkan waktu buat tidur. Katanya buat menanggulangi keburukan dia yaitu sering kollaps kalau kecapean.
18. Leeteuk seneng banget nyari tempat enak buat tidur. Kata member Suju yang lain, kalau Leeteuk sudah mulai mondar – mandir, berarti Oppa lagi nyari tempat enak buat tidur.
19. Leeteuk jadi anggota nomor satu yang dijadikan sandaran. Setiap ada masalah semua menghubungi Oppa pertama kali. Saat Donghae yang paling suka lupa bawa dompet, kembali lupa dan terlanjur berada di POM bensin, Leeteuk-lah orang pertama dihubungi Donghae. Dan dengan senang hati Leeteuk membantunya. Lalu Ryeowook yang sudah training sejak berumur 13 tahun tidak punya teman curhat, sampai akhirnya Leeteuk dengan terbuka menerima keluh kesahnya. Dan tiap Ryeowook pulang dari kegiatannya, Oppa tidak langsung pergi ke kamarnya melainkan pergi ke kamar Leeteuk terlebih dahulu.
20. Saat Trainee pernah ada acara kumpul – kumpul antara orang tua SJ dan member. Lalu saat acara bubar, Ayah Donghae mendekati Leeteuk dan menggenggam tangannya sambil bilang “ Our little Donghae, tolong dijaga karena aku gak bisa menjaganya lagi. Tolong berjanji jaga dia. Dia adalah anak yang baik dan kau adalah Hyung yang baik untuknya “. Waktu itu gak ada Donghae saat ayahnya ngomong itu. Ternyata gak disangka ayah Donghae meninggal. Leeteuk menangis.
21. Leeteuk deket banget ama Donghae, tapi sebenernya juga deket ama member suju yang lain. Oppa dekat dengan donghae karena mereka 1 kamar, dulu katanya Leeteuk suka nganterin donghae berangkat sekolah pas mereka masih training.
22. Sebelum debut, Leeteuk ini sangat dekat dengan Xiah JunSu dan EunHyuk. Ketika itu masih jamannya masa trainee. Karna Leeteuk ini merasa yang paling tertua diantara mereka bertiga jadi Oppa mau membelikan mereka ROTI tapi saat itu uangnya cukub untuk beli 2 roti saja. Jadi Oppa berpikir kalau roti yg berjumlah 2 buah itu dibagi 3 aja. Kebaikan budi Leeteuk ternyata di balas jahat oleh Junsu dan Hyukie itu. Mereka berdua dengan tenangnya langsung naik kereta api dan berkata “hyung selamat tinggal”. Leeteuk pun hanya bisa bersabar saja.
23. Leeteuk pernah sedih, karena hobaenya duluan yang debut mendahului Leeteuk dkk.
24. Leeteuk adalah seorang cassanova.
25. Leeteuk suka melemparkan bagiannya kepada Eunhyuk ketika harus mengumumkan lagu yg di putar adalah lagu berbahasa inggris.
26. Leeteuk berpikir kalo punya bayi campuran (maksudnya ortunya beda negara) akan sangat cantik.
27. Saat Leeteuk menjadi MC Mnet Countdown bersama Kangin dan Shindong, Oppa memiliki cara ketawa yang khas. Biasanya disebut “ ang ang laughter “ oleh member SJ.
28. Leeteuk sama kayak Eunhyuk suka sama stroberry. Tapi kalau Eunhyuk suka Susu Stroberry, Leeteuk lebih suka jusnya.
29. Karena bakalan jadi leader SJ. Masa Trainingnya Leeteuk lebih lama.
30. Leeteuk menyimpan majalah2 XXXX di bawah kasurnya.
31. Karena Leeteuk sering dapet sms aneh, Eunhyuk sempat bercanda bilang “Hati-hati loh jangan-jangan yang sms bukan manusia”.
32. Sewaktu acara idol army season 1 sewaktu season suju-H dan sewaktu episode 5 bintang tamunya Kara. Jadi pada saat pemilihan couple. Awalnya Seungyeon milih Leeteuk dan nolak Yesung. Leeteuk seneng banget. Trus Leeteuk disuruh milih antara Seungyeon atau Nicole, Oppa milih Seungyeon. Tapi ternyata Seungyeon malah milih Yesung lagi. Trus ditanya sama Shindong, “ Jadi diantara Kara dan Wonder Girls kau pilih siapa ??”. “ Aku lebih memilih Wonder Girls. Padahal sebelum ditolak, Oppa milih Kara. Karena pada episode sebelumnya, waktu bintang tamunya wonder girls. Leeteuk ditolak sama Sunye karena sunye lebih milih Sungmin. Tapi Leeteuk akhirnya mendapat pasangan dengan Kang Ji Young.
33. Pada saat acara Come To Play Super Junior dan Wonder Girls, Leeteuk salting banget member Wonder Girls pernah bad Feeling sama Oppa karena pada saat di ruang make up, peñata rias Wonder Girls gak sengaja denger kalau Leeteuk ngomong “ Apa sih yang kalian suka dari Wonder Girls “. Peñata rias itu mengadu sama member Wonder Girls. Dan Leeteuk jadi salting banget denger itu. Trus Leeteuk bilang kalau itu Cuma salah paham. Sebenarnya aku sangat ngefans sama Wonder Girls. Di kamarku, ada beberapa poster mereka.
34. Tipe cewek Leeteuk : Sopan, Setia, Ramah.
35. Leeteuk tinggal bersama Ayah, Ibu dan kakak perempuannya yang bernama Park Inyoung.
36. Kangin dan Ryeowook pernah bikin rusuh di kamar hotel Sungmin dan Eunhyuk sehingga mereka tidak jadi tidur. Padahal keduanya udah mau disuruh tidur sama Leeteuk. Lalu semua ngejailin Leeteuk sampe-sampe Leeteuk minta tolong sama manajer mereka.
37. Leeteuk paling terkenal di Malaysia dan bisa bahasa Malaysia juga.
38. Leeteuk pernah memberikan 100 bunga mawar, 100 surat cinta dan 1 cincin emas untuk pacarnya saat ia masih SMA untuk memperingati 100 hari mereka berpacaran.
39. Leeteuk ingin bertemu dengan hantu neneknya.
40. Sebagai ketua, Leeteuk bertugas membangunkan anggota SJ lainnya. Kalau pada susah bangun, Leeteuk menciptakan teknik water screen, yaitu nyemburin air ke muka anggota lainnya. Tapi ternyata teknik ini gak mempan buat Kangin. Kangin memang bangun, tapi Oppa langsung menendang semuanya. Dan kembali tidur.
41. Leeteuk sering banget ngebocorin rahasianya anggota SJ lain kalau lagi siaran di Sukira.
42. Heechul memberinya nickname ′Peter Pan′, karena Oppa tidak mau tumbuh besar.
43. Leeteuk sangat menyukai warna putih. Katanya semua barang yang ada di kamarnya Leeteuk berwarna putih. Oppa tidak tenang dan tidak nyenyak tanpa warna putih.
44. Kalau lagi perform, kadang tidak semua perform pake baju warna putih. Tetapi Leeteuk minimal akan menggunakan benda yang berwarna putih seperti gelang, scraft, kalung, atau topi. Tapi kalau tidak bisa juga, minimal daleman Leeteuk harus berwarna putih.
45. Sama kayak Hangeng, Leeteuk juga jago buat ramen. Karena makanan favoritnya Oppa ramen.
46. Pada segmen sukira dengan edisi terbaru musim gugur, DJ Leeteuk dan Eunhyuk telah diinterogasi oleh penanya radio. Penanya mengatakan bahwa 2 DJ ini tidak pernah mentraktir staf sukira, bahkan pada bulan maret, Leeteuk membuat penulis mencucikan bantal dia di sukira. Lalu ketika Eunhyuk ke Paris, mereka menangis karena hanya menerima hadiah kecil dari Eunhyuk. Leeteuk dan Eunhyuk pun mengelak dan mengatakan kalau mereka sibuk.
47. Penanya mengatakan kami sering melihat kalian rebutan makanan, apa kalian anak SD?? Eunhyuk mengatakan ketika dia menyuruh Leeteuk memesan makanan, dia selalu menyuruh saya mengerjakan hal lain, dan dia menunggu saya untuk melakukan nya dan mengatakan apa yang dia inginkan, dia selalu begitu, padahal umur dia udah 27 tahun.
48. Kata – kata merayu Leeteuk dalam bahasa Inggris “I Love You, you’re So Gorgeous “ yang dipelajarinya di “ Full House “. Dan kabarnya masih dipakai untuk merayu cewek bule.
49. Sama kayak Heechul, Leeteuk paling suka kalau nge-DJ bersama Eunhyuk.
50. Dongsaeng kesukaannya Leeteuk adalah Donghae.
51. Leeteuk pernah diprotes oleh penelpon Sukira karena Oppa dan Eunhyuk sering rebutan makanan.
52. Walaupun Leeteuk terkenal pelit, Jika Oppa melihat baju berwarna putih dijual, Oppa bakal beli baju itu.
53. Donghae pernah obrak abrik barang – barang Leeteuk, ternyata barang – barang Leeteuk berwarna putih dan biru. Rencananya, kalau Donghae menemukan ada yang berwarna pink, Donghae akan menunjukkkannya pada member SJ yang lain.
54. Entah kenapa Leeteuk selalu mendapat sms jam 11-12 malam.
55. Leeteuk dinominasikan sebagai member yang alim ke-2 setelah Siwon.
56. Leeteuk ketularan Heechul memanggil Siwon dengan sebutan “ Shisus “.
57. Leeteuk paling jahil kalau berkomplotan dengan Eunhyuk.
58. Leeteuk dinobatkan member paling narsis.
59. Nama Cina Leeteuk “ Li Te “
60. Nama Inggris Leeteuk “ Dennis Park “
61. Waktu Donghae hampir tenggelam di Thailand, Leeteuk langsung tanggap menyelamatkan Donghae.
62. Leeteuk pernah didandani cewek untuk menghibur Donghae yang tidak enak badan.
63. Pertama kali Leeteuk ditemuin oleh Staff SM saat Oppa jalan – jalan di Myeongdong. Staff itu langsung mendekati Leeteuk dan menawarkannya Trainee di SM.
64. Leeteuk suka bermain piano.
65. Leeteuk ingin dibilang imejnya itu seksi. Tapi Leeteuk susah berpose seksi.
66. Saat kecelakaan tahun 2007, Leeteuk mendapat 150 jahitan di pelipis mata dan dibelakang punggungnya, agar bisa memindahkan pecahan – pecahan kaca yang menancap di badannya.
67. Leeteuk masuk Trainee sejak umur 13 tahun.
68. Leeteuk pernah bilang “ Yoona adalah wanita idealku “. Lalu MC disitu ngegodain Leeteuk dengan bilang “ Yoona juga tipe wanitaku. Aku akan menikahinya “. Muka Leeteuk langsung kaget dan kesal.
69. FTTS’s Brian pernah bilang di Strong Heart “ aku akan menjadikan Yoona pacarku “. Leeteuk langsung ke tempat duduk Yoona dan nutupin kuping Yoona agar Yoona tidak mendengar perkataan Brian.
70. Di pembuatan MV Rokkugo, Leeteuk disuruh nyium Heecul. Leeteuk langsung panic. Tapi tetep aja dicium.
71. Leeteuk sering terjebak dalam situasi seperti ini :Leeteuk : Hya… Dongsaeng, Ayo kita latihan !!All Member : *menoleh sebentar dan cuek. Mereka malah nglanjutin urusan – urusan mereka*Leeteuk : hya …dengar tidak…ayo kita latihan dulu.All Member : *gak ada yang peduli*Leeteuk paling kesel kalau mereka sudah kayak gini.
72. Saat Kangin ngebocorin kalau Leeteuk itu pelit. MC-nya bilang gini “ pantas saja Strip Magnet di kartu ATMnya bersih. Ketahuan gak sering di gesek.
73. Leeteuk enggak pernah bawa uang cash di dompetnya.
74. Leeteuk sering nabung di Rekening Ibunya.
75. Suatu ketika Leeteuk lewat jalan tol. Waktu mau bayar tarif jalan tolnya, Oppa ngerogoh saku celananya, ngubek – ngubek laci dashboard, dan ngubek tempat yang kemungkinan ada uangnya. Akhirnya hanya nemuin uang 5000 won, padahal tarif jalan tolnya 10000 won. Leeteuk menoleh ke arah managernya, tapi managernya juga gak pernah bawa uang. Akhirnya Leeteuk pasang muka memelas dan menawar tarif jalan tolnya.
76. Saat diwawancara, SJ ditanya siapa yg di kehidupan sehari-harinya paling pendiam. Kebanyakan member menjawab Kibum. Tapi, Kangin sebagai orang paling dekat dengan Leeteuk dengan jujur menjawab Leeteuk. Ternyata Leeteuk di belakang kamera bukanlah orang yg periang, dan selalu tertawa.
77. Panggilan dirinya sendiri “angel without wings.
78. Leeteuk adalah leader yang bertanggung jawab. Kepribadiannya yang lucu dan easy going bikin Oppa gampang deket sama member yg lain. Dengan posisinya sebagai leader yg bertanggung jawab, Oppa pernah dapat juara satu leader terbaik.
79. Hobinya Leeteuk nyanyi, menulis lagu, bermain piano, going online.
80. Leeteuk pernah mengira kalo Yoona suka dengannya hanya karena saat awal debut Yoona sering telpon dan curhat padanya.
81. Saat itu pula Leeteuk dan Shindong mengajari SNSD cara mengenalkan diri mereka ke public.
82. Leeteuk pernah bilang kalau Oppa takut dengan Yuri gara – gara saat trainee dulu Yuri pernah menirukan suara dinosaurus.

Copy From : Yepoppo Wordpress.com

English Translate..

1. 박정수 is Hangeul for Park Jungsu. And 이특 is Hangeul to Leeteuk.
2. Born on July 1, 1983. Blood group A. High 176.
3. Leeteuk had said because of the many members in our group, we ended the meeting to find solutions. Finally agreed that if we all learn jutsu took a quick shower. Because we have to shower as fast as lightning, then when the time runs out we immediately kick out members who still wash in the bathroom. Although the bodies and their heads are still full of soap foam they had to go out and queue again to wait for their turn.
4. Said Siwon, Leeteuk it had 2 personalities. Sometimes, mainly.Sometimes it does not hold flirtatious. So if the kids SJ longer bored, they like to approach Teuki let me laugh. If approached Eunhyuk like the disturbing point.
5. Changed its name to Leeteuk Oppa which means "special" because Jungsu considered too market.
6. 70% of fans that are guys Suju Leeteuk's fans, who most of them were very hated and envied to Kangin.
7. Not a few guys "gay" which mimics all-out style Leeteuk until very similar.
8. Leeteuk first kiss at a public phone box and it was raining at night.
9. Leeteuk ever accidentally fart in sukira and did not want to admit and finally caught the same Kangin!
10. Although Leeteuk is the Leader in SJ, but Oppa often sneered at members Leeteuk SJ if it do not deserve to be leader because it's often laugh Oppa, nosy, carpenters cry, but she was very dear at all SJ members who have considered themselves sisters.
11. Leeteuk always wear tights if his schedule was crowded and had to leave the house. But if you're at home, more Oppa wearing boxer shorts.
12. Leeteuk jayuz that person really. So when in Starking, where Kyuhyun would sing pempenco. Then kang hodong asked "So, you want to sing something?". Then just tell Leeteuk singing Aladin OST. Then Kangin asked "what does the title hyung." With Confidence Leeteuk answered "A Honey world". When they should be A Whole new world.
13. Leeteuk hope, if Oppa married someday. He would like to invite all the ELF to come and greet them.
14. Leeteuk was the most resentful if called as "ahjussi". So Taeyon (SNSD leader) really like calling Leeteuk as ajjusi. Then Leeteuk direct annoyance talk "did I look like ahjussi?"
15. Leeteuk Oppa become a leader because the oldest. While at MBC show, his MC asked "how can you become a leader??".Leeteuk replied "because I'm the oldest among others, would I be a leader."
16. Leeteuk once wrote touching messages to Eunhyuk as a gift to a birthday celebration-3 Sukira. But while reading it, instead Eunhyuk grateful but instead of protest. Hyukie Hyung oppa feels his message for him not just because it's just made up of 382 letters Hangeul. While the message from Leeteuk to Donghae Oppa Oppa time in Hong Kong far more than his 480 letters.
17. Leeteuk was also dubbed aka sleepyhead member most like to sleep. So if there are empty time, Oppa directly use the time for sleeping. He said he made bad tackle that is often kollaps when tired.
18. Leeteuk very happy to find a place comfortable for sleeping.Suju another member said, when Leeteuk had begun pacing, mean oppa still looking good for a place to sleep.
19. Leeteuk became member number one relied upon. Each is a problem all contact Oppa first time. When most liked Donghae forgot my wallet, again forgot and already are in POM gasoline, Leeteuk was the first person contacted Donghae. And Leeteuk gladly help him. Then Ryeowook who had training since the age of 13 years had no one to confide in, until finally Leeteuk openly accept his grievances. And each Ryeowook came home from work, Oppa not go straight to her room but went to the room Leeteuk first.
20. When trainees ever gathering between parents SJ and members. Then when the show broke up, my father approached Donghae Leeteuk and held her hand as she said "Our Little Donghae, please guarded because I can not keep it anymore.Please promise to keep him. He was a good kid and since au is a good Hyung him. " It was not there when his father say that Donghae. Apparently not Donghae's father died unexpectedly.Leeteuk cried.
21. Donghae Leeteuk very close to, but actually too close to another Suju member ama. Ama Donghae Oppa deket because they 1 bedroom, first he said like deliver Donghae Leeteuk leave school when they were training.
22. Before the debut, Leeteuk is very close to Xiah Junsu and Eunhyuk. When it was its time period trainees. For this Leeteuk feel that most of the oldest among the three of them want to buy them so Oppa BREAD but it was money enough to buy two bread alone. So Oppa think that totaled 2 pieces of bread which is divisible by 3. Leeteuk turned out in favor kindness evil countered by Junsu and Hyukie it. They both live quietly take the train and said "hyung bye." Leeteuk was only able to be patient only.
23. Leeteuk was sad, because his first hobae which precedes debut Leeteuk et al.
24. Leeteuk was a Cassanova.
25. Leeteuk Eunhyuk like to throw the parts to be announced when songs are played English language songs.
26. Leeteuk think if a baby mix (ie different parent countries) will be very beautiful.
27. When Leeteuk became MC Mnet Countdown with Kangin and Shindong, Oppa has a unique way of laughing. Commonly called "ang ang Laughter" by member SJ.
28. Leeteuk Eunhyuk same like the same like strawberry. But like milk strawberry Eunhyuk, Leeteuk prefer juice.
29. Since going to be a leader SJ. Leeteuk his training period is longer.
30. Leeteuk store XXXX magazines under the mattress.
31. Because Leeteuk often get a strange message, Eunhyuk had jokingly said "Be careful, lest that send a message not human".
32. During the show season 1 idol army when Suju-H season and during his guest-star episode 5 Kara. So when the couple selection. Originally Seungyeon chose Leeteuk and Yesung refused. Leeteuk very happy. Then Leeteuk asked to choose between Seungyeon or Nicole, Oppa choose Seungyeon. But it chose instead Seungyeon Yesung again. Being asked the same Shindong, "So between Kara and Wonder Girls you choose whom??". "I prefer the Wonder Girls. Whereas before it was rejected, Oppa chose Kara. Because the previous episode, guest star time wonder girls. Leeteuk rejected because sunye more equal Sunye choose Sungmin. But Leeteuk finally got paired with Kang Ji Young.33. At the time the show Come To Play Super Junior and Wonder Girls, Leeteuk salting really Wonder Girls members together Oppa Feeling bad ever since at the time in the room make up, makeup Wonder Girls accidentally hear when Leeteuk say "What the hell are you guys like the Wonder Girls ". Makeup artist had to pit at the Wonder Girls member. And Leeteuk so salting really hear it. Then Leeteuk says if it's just a misunderstanding. Actually I'm very ngefans same Wonder Girls. In my room, there are some their posters.
34. The type of girl Leeteuk: Polite, Loyal, Friendly.
35. Leeteuk live with my father, mother and older sister named Park Inyoung.
36. Kangin and Ryeowook never make a riot in the hotel room Sungmin and Eunhyuk so they will not be sleeping. In fact both are already going to bed at Leeteuk. Then all ngejailin Leeteuk Leeteuk sampe-sampe they ask the same managers.
37. Leeteuk most famous in Malaysia and can speak the language of Malaysia.
38. Leeteuk never give 100 roses, 100 love letters and a gold ring for his girlfriend when he was in high school to commemorate the 100 days they were dating.
39. Leeteuk want to meet with the ghost of her grandmother.
40. As chairman, Leeteuk served to wake the other SJ members. If the hard up, Leeteuk create a water screen technique, that is spraying water into the face of other members. But it is not effective technique for Kangin. Kangin was awake, but Oppa immediately kicked it all. And back to sleep.
41. Leeteuk often really tell the secret of other SJ members if longer broadcast in Sukira.
42. Heechul gave him the nickname 'Peter Pan', because Oppa do not want to grow big.
43. Leeteuk love the color white. He said all the items in his room Leeteuk white. Oppa is not calm and not sleep without white.
44. Then again perform, sometimes not all perform pake white shirt. But at least Leeteuk will use a white object such as bracelets, scraft, necklace, or hat. But if not it could be, at least in Leeteuk jerseys must be white.
45. Just like Hangeng, Leeteuk is also good for ramen. Because of his favorite foods Oppa ramen.
46. In sukira segment with the latest edition of the autumn, DJ Leeteuk and Eunhyuk were interrogated by radio asker. Asker said that the 2 DJ was never treated sukira staff, even in March, Leeteuk made him the author wash pillows in sukira. Then when Eunhyuk to Paris, they cry because it only received a small gift from Eunhyuk. Leeteuk and Eunhyuk was evasive and said that they were busy.
47. Asker say we've seen you fight for food, what do you guys elementary school children? Eunhyuk Leeteuk said when he ordered a meal, he always told me to do something else, and he waited for me to do it and say what he wants, he always does, but she's already 27 years of age.
48. Leeteuk seduce greeting in English "I Love You, you're So Gorgeous" had learned in "Full House". And reportedly was used to seduce girls Caucasians.
49. Just like Heechul, Leeteuk most like to have nge-DJ with Eunhyuk.
50. Dongsaeng Donghae Leeteuk is his favorite.
51. Leeteuk was protested by the caller Sukira because Eunhyuk Oppa and often fight for food.
52. Although famous Leeteuk stingy, if Oppa see a white shirt sold, Oppa would buy the clothes.
53. Donghae had ruffled goods Leeteuk, Leeteuk goods turns white, and blue. The plan, if Donghae find something pink, Donghae will show it on the other SJ members.
54. Leeteuk somehow always get the message at night 11-12.55. Leeteuk was nominated as a pious member of the 2nd after Siwon.
56. Contaminated Leeteuk Heechul Siwon called as "Shisus".
57. Leeteuk most ignorant when joined with Eunhyuk.58. Leeteuk was crowned the most confident member.59. Leeteuk Chinese name "Li Te"60. Leeteuk English name "Dennis Park"
61. Left Donghae nearly drowned in Thailand, Leeteuk Donghae rescue response directly.
62. Leeteuk had dressed girls to entertain Donghae who was not feeling well.
63. Was first discovered by Staff Leeteuk Oppa BC when the streets of Myeongdong. Staff was immediately approached Leeteuk and offers trainees in BC.
64. Leeteuk love to play piano.
65. Leeteuk want to say it's sexy image. But Leeteuk hard to pose sexy.
66. When an accident in 2007, Leeteuk got 150 stitches in his temple the eyes and behind his back, in order to move the broken - broken glass stuck in his body.
67. Leeteuk incoming trainees since the age of 13 years.
68. Leeteuk never say "Yoona is my ideal woman." Then there MC Leeteuk tempting to say "Yoona also type female. I'm going to marry her. " Leeteuk advance directly shocked and upset.
69. FTTS's Brian never said in the Strong Heart "I'll make my boyfriend Yoona." Leeteuk directly to your seat and shut my ears Yoona Yoona Yoona did not hear the words for Brian.
70. In the manufacture of MV Rokkugo, Leeteuk told to kiss Heecul. Leeteuk immediate panic. But still wrote a kiss.
71. Leeteuk often caught in situations like this: Leeteuk: Hya ... Dongsaeng, Let's exercise!! All Member: * turned briefly and cool.They even went on their affairs * Leeteuk: hya ... ... let us hear no exercise. All Member: * not one cares * Leeteuk most upset if they already like this.
72. When Kangin Leeteuk leak if it is stingy. MC it says "no wonder Strip Magnet in net ATM card. Often do not get caught in the friction.
73. Leeteuk baseball ever carry cash in his wallet.
74. Leeteuk often saving the mother Account.
75. Once when Leeteuk through highway. Left refused to pay the toll road tariffs, Oppa reached into his pocket, ruffled drawers dashboard, and scrambles where there may be money. Finally, just find the money won in 5000, but won 10 000 toll road tariff. Leeteuk turned to his manager, but his manager is also not ever carry cash.Finally Leeteuk pairs pitiful face and offer toll road tariff.
76. When interviewed, SJ asked who wrote in his daily life the most taciturn. Most members said Kibum. But, Kangin as those closest to honestly answer Leeteuk Leeteuk. Apparently Leeteuk behind the camera is not a cheerful person, always laughing.
77. Call her own "angel without wings.
78. Leeteuk is the leader in charge. His personality is funny and easy going easy to make Oppa close together the other members.With its position as the leader in charge, Oppa champion ever get one best leader.
79. His hobbies Leeteuk singing, writing songs, playing piano, going online.
80. Leeteuk Yoona never thought that love with him just because of the early debut of Yoona often call and vent to him.
81. when it also Leeteuk and Shindong SNSD teach them how to introduce themselves to the public.
82.Leeteuk never afraid to tell you that Oppa Yuri because when trainees first Yuri never mimic dinosaurs.

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